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Be realistic in fighting corruption, EU tells governments in Africa

Be realistic in fighting corruption, EU tells governments in Africa

September 17, 2019 at 8:34 AM

The European Union (EU) has called on Africa to tackle issues of corruption in a more realistic way to create economic opportunities for their people to stay and build the continent.

According to Mr Dirk Buda, the Head of Political School, EU delegation, Rabat, African countries needed robust independent justice system and effective public administration to tackle corruption.

He was speaking at the on-going Media and Migration school, underway in Rabat, Morocco, and attended by 27 Journalists drawn from Europe and Africa.

Mr Buda explained that though EU was taking strategic partnership with Africa to facilitate rapid socio-economic development of the continent, African leaders must ensure that rule of law worked to promote good governance to increase prosperity in the continent.

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