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Africa urged to avoid politicising education to close global gaps

Africa urged to avoid politicising education to close global gaps

August 28, 2019 at 9:21 AM

Mr. Grant Bulmuo, the Chief Executive Officer of the Neogenics Education Group, at the weekend, urged African governments to avoid politicising Education, to close the huge existing global gaps.

Mr Bulmuo said there existed huge gaps across board between Africa and the rest of the world, hence the need to help narrow or bridge them as a matter of urgency.
Speaking at the opening of the Global Super Teachers’ Conference, onthe theme: “Bridging the Education Gap in Africa”, he said only 8.2 per cent of people in Africa had benefitted from University or Tertiary education, describing it as the lowest participation rate in the world.
He said in developing countries, there existed gaps in learning,achievements and opportunity, hence the need for the gaps to be closed among teachers, students and parents.

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